Rolla Building

History of Rolla Building

The Rolla Building, constructed in 1871 by the City of Rolla as a high school with $35,000 in bonds, later housed the Missouri School of Mines (MSM) starting in 1871. In 1875, MSM purchased the entire building for $25,000. Over the years, it served various academic purposes: from housing the MSM Library and departments like Physics, Electrical Engineering, and Civil Engineering, to later accommodating administrative offices and the State Geological Survey.

In 1947, the building underwent significant renovations to house classrooms and the Department of Humanities and Social Studies until the early 1970s. Subsequently, it remained unused for classes, serving administrative functions until the 1990s. In 1995, Chancellor Park proposed a thorough renovation, allocating nearly $2,000,000 for the project. Peckham and Wright Architects began work in 1995, and by August 1997, the Mathematics and Statistics Department moved in, following extensive demolition and reconstruction.

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The Rolla Building circa 1900. Notice the different styles on the dormers on the third floor windows and the covered "porch" on the cupola.